
Women's ministry
Our vision for Women's Ministry is to connect women to each other and to God! Our Women’s Ministry has quarterly events that focus on fellowship, fun, and growing in faith!
Stay updated! Like our Facebook Group.
Contact office@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org
Stay updated! Like our Facebook Group.
Contact office@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org

This men's ministry was founded by two members with the goal of fostering community in Jesus' name. We invite you to come and be fed by delicious food, God's Word, and fellowship. The only thing missing is you!
Stay updated! Like our Facebook Group.
Contact revdev@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org
Stay updated! Like our Facebook Group.
Contact revdev@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org

Wednesday morning bible Class
If you are retired, or if you are otherwise available on Wednesday morning, please join us for Bible class at 10:30 a.m. We meet in the Narthex (entryway) by the main sanctuary. Pastor Jon leads a class on a topic or on the book of the Bible, and we engage in meaningful discussion about the faith and how we live out the Christian life in the real world. We usually take a small break in the summer and around the holidays, otherwise we just keep going! You are welcome to join us at anytime!
Stay updated! Subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter.
Contact pastorjon@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org
Stay updated! Subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter.
Contact pastorjon@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org

Sunday Morning Bible Class
When you come to Beautiful Savior for worship, don't forget to stick around for our Bible Class that happens at 9:30am in our gym. This adult Bible Class is taught by either a pastor or elder. Come rest, learn, and rejoice in the Word that God has given you.
Stay updated! Subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter.
Contact pastorjon@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org
Stay updated! Subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter.
Contact pastorjon@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org

Small Group
If you are looking for community and friendship, seeking to grow in God's Word, and hoping to be spiritually encouraged by others, then Small Group is a great fit for you. We have groups that are ready to meet you! Small Group is designed for those college age and up, with nine groups covering various ages.
Learn more! Visit this page on our website.
Contact revdev@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org
Learn more! Visit this page on our website.
Contact revdev@beautifulsavior-lsmo.org